First Renard16 Built and Tested
This is actually a few weeks old but I finished building the first Ren16 controller and tested it with a quick sequence in Vixen. I’ve got one more of these boards (both from wjohn at DIYC) that I may decide to build later once I figure out how best to layout the channels in the yard. I’ve also got a couple of Ren64XC boards, also from wjohn, and 3 Ren24SS boards from waynej. One of the 64’s will be next since that’s all I have parts for at the moment.
Below is a video of the first Ren16 board test and some pics – blinky flashy lives! (I have no idea why Vimeo processed the video upside down)
Ren16 Test Bench from Joni Chu on Vimeo.