Archive for January, 2010

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Posted by Joni on Jan 29th 2010 | Filed in Blinky Flashy,Build | Comments Off on Ren64

First Renard16 Built and Tested

This is actually a few weeks old but I finished building the first Ren16 controller and tested it with a quick sequence in Vixen. I’ve got one more of these boards (both from wjohn at DIYC) that I may decide to build later once I figure out how best to layout the channels in the yard. I’ve also got a couple of Ren64XC boards, also from wjohn, and 3 Ren24SS boards from waynej. One of the 64’s will be next since that’s all I have parts for at the moment.

Below is a video of the first Ren16 board test and some pics – blinky flashy lives! (I have no idea why Vimeo processed the video upside down)

Ren16 Test Bench from Joni Chu on Vimeo.



Posted by Joni on Jan 29th 2010 | Filed in Blinky Flashy,Build | Comments Off on First Renard16 Built and Tested

Welcome to the Blinky Flashy BLOG!

We’re up! This site will serve as the record of my journey into computer controlled lights – Christmas lights to be exact. Over the next few months I’ll be building controllers, sequences and other goodies related to making things blink and flash that will ultimately be attached to the house this coming Christmas. At this point I can’t say how often or how much the site will be updated but it is my intention to put anything significant or particularly interesting on here for both the DIYC community and anyone that’s just curious about what drives the inner Griswald.

Blinky blinky,


Posted by Joni on Jan 19th 2010 | Filed in Blinky Flashy | Comments Off on Welcome to the Blinky Flashy BLOG!